Alaine Becker







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Chaos Theory

soft pastel with white oil pastel on Arches cover or Arches aquarelle cold press paper

I have been working with pastel on oversized paper for many years. The marks I make are spontaneous even though my working process can take weeks. Pastel enables me to use the material simultaneously as both a drawing and painting tool. I use pure color so that it becomes an extension of my hand. I the last few years, I have added white oil pastel with the soft pastel to change their character and enable both materials to flow in a more painterly manner. Working with pastel also allows me to build on prior images and create “ghost Images” to form a very complex layered surface.

The two series “Chaos Theory” and “People You Don’t Know”, evolved as a way to channel my emotions through my work. Each piece is part of a linear narrative during the year 2005 to the present. My work in color is usually figurative with abstracted imagery to prevent the viewer from associating the figures with real people. I want the focus to be on the emotional impact of each piece as well as the subject matter. Color, line, and movement are also essential elements. My inspirations came from varied sources: images from books, specific live models, as well as dreams and events in my life.



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