Alaine Becker







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New Large Drawings

All works are 72x51" graphite, white soft pastel, white Conte' crayon, white oil pastel on Arches hot press paper

“New Large Drawings”, constitutes a bridge between two prior series: “Seen/Unseen” from 2013-2014 are very controlled drawings illustrating inner anatomy and “Some Things Are Better In Black And White”,from 2015 onward, are an intuitive group of drawings that focus on mark making and pure abstraction. I feel the “New Large Drawings”, executed at the end of 2014, are a synthesis of the two series. In Big Belch and Puffer, the main foci are the large black shapes. In Ruggengraat and Precipice objects are built upon similar objects. These pieces allowed me to concentrate on the beginning of a new vocabulary and focus on the basic drawing materials graphite, white soft pastel, white oil pastel, and white Conte crayon.


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